Tuesday, September 16, 2008

How's this for young entrepreneurs?

From: pjckac1
Added: July 06, 2008
HHO Gas-Metacafe - NEWS_ Convert Your Car to Run on Water.
This is not my video. This is another video I am bring to the public's attention that there is a future in HHO gas.
I thank everybody who is working hard on this HHO Gas to reduce gasoline.I personally thank the individuals doing the filming and bring it out for public viewing.
I am still working on my device and should have it on my vehicle before the 14th of July. Once it is complete you will see my video for everyone to follow and copy. Inventors out to improve our environment for our children's future.
Category: Autos & Vehicles
Tags: run car on water HHO electrolysis electrolytes fuel-cell for fuel

1 comment:

LoriOnMaui said...

Does this stuff really work? If so how come more young, environmentally conscious kids do this? Great info - Thanks, Lori On Maui