Thursday, October 16, 2008

ZeroFossilFuel explains in aug07

From: ZeroFossilFuel
Added: August 31, 2007

The percentage improvement I reported in this video was an anonymily based on one tankful. In reality the average MPG didn't change all that much WITH THE CELL PRODUCING GAS AT FULL ATMOSPHERIC PRESSURE.

But, please don't let this discourage you. Current experiments producing HHO under vacuum are showing incredible promise. Keep watching and see. This is really getting good now.

Previous text,
First mileage test results are in. 20% increase with no other mods!!! When test started three weeks ago, current @13.8v was ~15A. When measured today it was 6.4A, meaning the electrolyte concentration was depleated over time. Added exactly 2 grams NaOH to restore 15A @ 13.8V.
Category: Autos & Vehicles
Tags: Free Energy HHO H2O Hydrogen Oxygen Electrolyzer Automobile Injection conservation


NonprofitTODAY said...

Great blog, Ovid.

Marketing Unscrambled, Home edition said...

It is good to learn of these things. With people like you wrking on it someone is going to stumble onto what will really work, and better than what we have now. Thank you
Dan, Deannna"marketing unscrambled"

R.Eder said...

Ovid, great Idea to use water to power your car. I’ve found that hybrids or electric cars are actually working very well, except most batteries used in American hybrids or electric cars are actually manufactured in Asia.
Relying on the overseas kindness of strangers has not worked well with the fossil fuel industry. Why should we fall into the same dependency with batteries for our cars, trucks and other forms of transportation?
This brings us back to Ener1 the only advanced Li-ion battery manufacturer in America.
In case the water invention doesn’t work out, I guess, we always can fall back to Ener1’s batteries.

Reinhard Eder
Excel To Be A Top Marketer